Testimonials – Students

In Their Own Words...

Our students come to us in various ways….

We are truly honored to coach some couples In Person: Live Couples Coaching
For others we have had the privilege of coaching them remotely via Skype: Remote Skype Coaching
Still others find themselves inspired by our free YouTube videos: The Crow Academy YouTube Channel
Or via our book, an A-Z Guide on D/s Relationships: Igniting The Fire: The Art of Romantic Submission

From “H & M”….

“Thank you so much for the intensive weekend! Everything about it was so helpful for us. From having the opportunity to talk through some of our problem areas with your input to learning new communication techniques, we feel like we have a renewed excitement, so many fun ideas, and a much clearer vision of where we both want to go. What was especially helpful was watching you and Daphne interact with each other – those little moments that weren’t scripted. They gave us a glimpse into where we can go and what we want to incorporate. We’ve watched so many videos and taken community classes but we’ve never left feeling as optimistic, excited, and capable as we did with you! We thought the combination of sitting/talking and getting up to move around and try new things was perfect. We also appreciated that although we knew we were taking these lessons to learn your specific style, you helped us refine our own.  We also really enjoyed meeting and hanging out with you both! 
H & M

From “M.A.”….

“Arcane –
Thank you for all of the awesome insight on where to start with L’s and my d/s relationship. To be honest I was really struggling with finding a jumping off point but after reading your email it was much easier to find a starting place for myself, and how to accurately, thoughtfully, and intelligently be L’s Dom. We’ve chosen a name for L and that really has had a massive impact on helping me better understand my relationship to her, and also understand her wants, strengths and desires as the sub. Either way I wanted to take a moment to say thank you because your words as a true “Master” have had a profound effect on me as someone who hopes to be at your level one day. The idea of finding anchors for myself so that I can comfortably get into my Dom headspace have helped greatly, I’ve found that taking time to mediate and calm my thoughts so that I’m ready for that headspace has been extremely useful. That being said, so far so good, and I’m sure L and I will have a great deal to tell you about next time we meet. As you know we’ve been trying to get better and better at this through your teachings, and I know that we both agree that it has helped us in many ways. It has been so good to see L flourish after I give her constructive commands per your suggestion with how you get your own slave to pursue her art, it’s something that I see in L that keeps me striving to be a better Dom in our d/s relationship. Thank you again for the advice, we’ll keep practicing so that we can show you the advancements we’ve made, I’m sure we’ll be seeing you soon!
Best Regards, M.A.

From “Phoenix”….

“Just wanted to say I have been reading your Book via Kindle and amazon, and its like a BDSM bible that was written for R and I. Its so refreshing to read, such care to detail of the mind AND heart instead of trying to detach the two and work only on the power play of the mind.  The book’s like my manual for life and play.  R and I have been discussing chapters and sections at length and both saying its like you’ve read our minds and hearts and have set the record straight on how loving this lifestyle can be. — Phoenix

From “K”….

“In the beginning I was afraid and yet, so excited, to finally begin delving into the world of BDSM the understanding of which only came from articles, forums, movies, novels, and websites. Little did I realize I was just scraping the surface. Never would I have thought that someone I had read about on the internet could enrich my relationship so much, but I was wrong. Arcane is incredibly intelligent, knowledgeable about the BDSM life and D/s relationships, plus he is exceedingly respectful to his clients. That is one of the things that hooked me while he was coaching us – his respect for the art form which is BDSM. Through “training” with Arcane I have found that my boyfriend / Master and I’s communication has greatly widened, allowing for us to progress forward with trust and confidence in one another. Art is about communication, beauty, respect, and subjectivity. We have found art in BDSM and BDSM has found the artists in us. Truly, I would recommend anyone to Arcane whether they be newbies or professionals, he has something to offer to everyone. Thank you Arcane for your openness, patience, and respect. — K.

From “K.B.”….

“Thank you! Your input, wisdom and experience has made such a difference in so many people’s lives including mine, and others in a D/s relationship. It is hard enough to live life in the normal “Vanilla” sense, but living in a lifestyle that most people do not understand or accept can be twice as challenging. I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for people like you who understand, comprehend and continue to teach others to better themselves in a healthy and positive way each and every day. I strive to live by your motto, and to better myself to become a better person and partner. — K.B.

From “Lina”….

“When I first learned about the Crow Academy I was thrilled at the thought of learning more about BDSM in a way that aligns with my values, and that would infuse my marriage and sex life with exactly what I was looking for: an ever deepening intimate connection to my husband, through a mixture of play, and the thrill of power exchange. After talking to Arcane via Skype, I felt confident that we had found a teacher who gets where we are at, who truly understands the dynamics of a D/s relationship, and who skillfully interweaves this with elements from Tantra, mindfulness and psychotherapy. So we flew down from Canada for a weekend that turned out to be transformational. The program was tailored to our needs and interests, and helped me understand and embrace my own submissive nature more fully, as well as the tremendous potential embedded within the D/s relationship for a more fulfilling life. As Arcane explained it so aptly, the moment I stepped into the submissive role, I felt as if I stepped through the looking glass: everything, including the most mundane tasks, suddenly got charged with a sense of present-moment awareness and enthrallment that felt so “right” that I began to feel that I could live this lifestyle 24/7 – not something I’d ever considered before. Both being the open and disarming personalities they are, Arcane and Daphne together established a safe and professional learning space, which allowed us to get the most out of our time together. They took us under their wings from the evening we arrived until the last night of our stay, when they took us out to a club and showed us a very real, loving BDSM demonstration. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from them. — Lina

From “M.H.”….

Your Skype coaching sessions have exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend them to anyone.
I truly appreciate that you take the time and care that you do. You are always on schedule, and with my busy schedule you have made connecting with your schedule seamless and accommodating. I could not have found a better coach for this journey. Thank you for the knowledge shared and the guidance provided. — M.H.

From “Simon”….

“Master Arcane, your coaching over the last month, especially last night with having my partner on the phone too, was wonderful and amazing! I’ve gone from totally in-the-dark about BSDM to super excited and feeling confident & grounded about the possibilities of this topic, both with use in my relationship and with use in understanding and accessing my own self. You’re ability to listen and coach is truly top-notch. Your use of technology is reliable and seamless, and your knowledge and experience in supporting people with BSDM is obviously massive. I feel extremely privileged that I found you to coach me into the world of BSDM, and I look forward to continuing with you as coach and friend on my BDSM (Tantra) journey…. hopefully for many many months and years to come! I recommend your guidance and coaching to ANYONE interested in BSDM. — Simon Ocean, Victoria, Canada

From “Vanessa”….

“My partner and I knew WHAT we wanted but we weren’t sure how to get there. Arcane gave us the tools and stepping stones to increase our D/s dynamic. He got to us as individuals and a couple in order tailor our coaching to our needs. We have deeper understanding of what we want and how to l get there because of our coaching. If you’re new to the scene or have been doing it for years, I highly recommend Arcane’s coaching to improve your D/s dynamic and relationship as a whole. — Vanessa

From “L.C.P.”….

“Good afternoon sir. I would like to thank you so much Master Arcane. My sub and I watched and took notes on all six parts of your excellent videos on YouTube, and we also viewed your complete websites in detail and signed up for your news letter. Your work and advice sir has truly made us not only more skillful and knowledgeable in the art of BDSM but revealed our true inner desire, love, and passion for serving one another. As my senior drill instructor once said, “you can not have a strong structure without a rock solid foundation.” That sir is what you have given us and we couldn’t be more grateful. We look forward to owning a copy of your book “Igniting The Fire” as it will personally serve as our basic field manual and guide to not only better our skills to perfection in the BDSM arts but also to the perfection of our inner selves. Thank you once again for all your work and advice and we look forward to hearing from you in the future. Keep up the great work Master Arcane. Semper Fi — LCP

From “B”….

“I watched your videos on YouTube to learn about being a Dom purely in the kink/fetish sense of the word. However, I learned a lot about caring for and uplifting people who are in some way or another in my care whether it be personal or work. I’m now capable of giving praise and holding those around me accountable in full confidence that I just want the best for everyone. You’ve genuinely changed my view on so many things. I had such trouble with identifying what I was as a person and trusting others, trusting myself. It’s slowly coming together. I wish you the best and thank you. — B

From “Danielson – D. V.”….

“Truly amazing experience. At the beginning, I was searching online for advice on technical skills and use of toys within the arts of S&M. I then came across Master Arcane’s website. What started out as a friendly educational conversation turned into a mentorship revolving around many aspects, including relationships. It was not only inspiring, it lead me to purchase his book, Igniting the Fire which has tremendous amounts of useful information on D/s dynamics and lifestyle. Overall, it was a great pleasure having him share his wisdom and I would recommend him to anyone seeking guidance in the BDSM world as it is his specialty. — Danielson – D. V.

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    "Igniting The Fire: The Art of Romantic Submission."
    (* superior quality imitation leather)

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      This Is An Educational Site:

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      The Crow Academy style is one of Romantic Domination & Submission, BDSM, and Fetish Performance Art. The lessons of The Crow Academy are based on Tradition handed down by word-of-mouth and obscure texts, then blended & refined through Master Arcane's personal emphasis on extreme utilitarianism. We do not claim the foundations of these techniques as solitary to The Crow Academy, but rather that through decades of Real World trial & error these techniques have been re-forged into a Modern, Unique System that WORKS. Master Arcane explored into the depths of BDSM & D/s, separating the wheat from the chaff so that students of The Crow Academy can benefit from the road map created as a result. It would however, be against the beliefs of The Crow Academy to claim that this style is "the absolute best" or "ultimately superior to all others" as we very much appreciate & applaud other styles of BDSM & D/s that are equally evolved.

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