Class Details

BDSM Classes and Seminars

Below you will find a sample list of the kinds of classes and seminars Master Arcane is available to teach.
This is but a small example of the vast range of subjects within Master Arcane’s repertoire.
For questions about any subject not listed below, feel free to inquire using the Contact Form.
For information on Private Training please click either of the “Coaching” buttons below.

All classes are 60-90 minutes with plenty of time for Q&A.

PLEASE NOTE – In all Hands-On classes we cannot guarantee anyone to
practice upon if you do not attend with your own partner.


Wondering why so many people find so much pleasure in BDSM? Curious why BDSM toys are so exciting? Do you have an inkling that BDSM might be right for you but you don’t know why or how to make it happen? This is the perfect place to learn about the amazing world of sensual and sexual ecstasy known as “BDSM.” What is the difference between a Dominant and a Submissive? What makes a Switch? Who is the Top and who is the Bottom? Discover how to create safe and fun BDSM “scenes” again and again. Learn about the passionately deep trust and incredible communication found in Healthy BDSM. All the absolute basics are explained in easy-to-understand terminology, like the purpose of the famous “Sexy Six” BDSM Toys: Riding Crops, Paddles, Floggers, Canes, Feathers and Fur. Understand the fascinating endorphins of your natural body and why they are so important to having one great BDSM experience after another. Come learn how to bring your BDSM fantasies to life!



The subject of Formal, Romantic Domination and Submission can seem overly complex and even daunting to many newcomers in the BDSM World. The Good News however is that there exists a Beautiful and Creative way for even the most Vanilla couple to begin to explore the magic of D/s: ROLE PLAY. Through the infinite reach of your imagination you can discover and enjoy endless varieties of Role Play games. Come learn how these games can help even the most Vanilla newcomer safely explore SMALL amounts of Domination and Submission while having as much fun as a kid in a candy shop! Traditional Role Plays such as “Doctor,” “Pirates,” “Boss and Secretary” and more are examined leading to an understanding of how to invent and enjoy your own, new Role Play Games. Learn to appreciate the wonderful capabilities of Your Own Imagination!


Certainly one of the core practices of anyone pursuing the BDSM Arts, BONDAGE ranks as one of the easiest, most fun, most artistic, and most fulfilling activities two people can enjoy. This Basic Bondage class will teach you a variety of simple-but-extremely-effective techniques for fun, restrictive rope bondage good for a variety of positions and different activities. Students are taught how to achieve a “clean” look, a “dirty” look, and a variety of simple, useful knots. Alternates to rope are discussed, as well as critical Bondage Safety Techniques. You’ll be ready to tie your partner the second you get home!

Optional Equipment Needed by Student: Rope – 2 x 3 meters (10 feet) each, 2 x 7 meters each (25 feet) for Hands-On instruction


Ah, the blissful massage of the flogger. Some take it light, some take it heavy, but almost everyone loves a good flogging. You will learn proper figure-8 maneuvers, how to land a variety of different intensities upon the submissive, how to stand for optimum effect, and even how to use a flogger in unexpectedly fun and creative ways. Come learn the reasons why flogging feels so good, why some parts of the body are superb for flogging, and which areas to avoid! Florentine (Dual Floggers) will be discussed, as well as Master Arcane’s unique twist on the subject. This class is for all levels and will cater to the average level of the group, with basics emphasized and more advanced techniques demonstrated as appropriate to the average level of the class.

Optional Equipment Needed by Student: Your own flogger/s for Hands-On instruction


It’s just slapping the butt, right? Nope! There are tricks and techniques you can learn to titillate your submissive’s senses FAR beyond what you might expect! What makes the hand better than a wood paddle? When is a wood paddle better than a leather paddle? What is the advantage of a riding crop? Why do slapping toys come in so many shapes and sizes and which ones are best? This class is for all levels with an introduction to a variety of great toys one can use upon the derriere of that appreciative bottom! We will cater to the average level of the group with basics emphasized…but everyone will learn the secret lesson of “The Sweet Spot!” More advanced techniques will be shown to more advanced students.

Optional Equipment Needed by Student: Your own paddles and other impact toys for Hands-On instruction


Such an amazing toy, the Cane. In some it inspires fear, in others a deliciously erotic rush just thinking about it. But it’s not always about intensity. Did you know that any cane can be used in a wide variety of ways? Come learn about the vast spectrum of sensations you can create with canes, from teasing to torturous, from entertaining to energizing, from punishing to passionate….all with the same toy. Come learn why there are so many different kinds of canes, and the purpose of each kind. How does a rattan can differ from a fiberglass cane? Why does the outer texture of the cane matter so much? This class is for all levels and will cater to the average level of the group, with basics emphasized, and more advanced techniques shown to more advanced students.

Optional Equipment Needed by Student: Your own cane for Hands-On instruction


Ever find yourself wondering where your BDSM play should go next? How to take a good scene smoothly through a variety of transitions? Wonder what makes a good combination of sensations? Want to know how to make a scene end well every single time? If so this class is for you! You will learn the basics of putting together a BDSM session, also known as a “scene,” including warming up, changing and balancing sensations, knowing what you want the scene to be about, building to thresholds, picking the right mix of toys, transitioning through different stages of the scene, and more.


The 24/7 D/s Relationship can be a thing of incomparable beauty….if you are up to the challenge! The heights are the highest, but so too can the pitfalls be as complex as you could imagine. Is the deeply committed “24/7” even right for you? Guess what… 24/7 is NOT for everyone, and there are Wonderful Alternatives! Come learn about the Magic, the Goals, and the Responsibilities of D/S Relationships, from just starting out as Play Partners all the way through Collaring and beyond. The emphasis is on helping every student figure out “What Kind Of D/s Relationship Is Right For You?”. This class explains the depth of the 24/7 Lifestyle, as well as a variety of alternatives to the 24/7 that might suit a person better. Learn how to successfully create a healthy, less-intense “Collar-On” situation, why some might prefer the relaxed and casual nature of just being Play Partners, and much more.


Slave Positions are a part of any refined school of Domination, Submission, and Slave Training. At The Crow Academy, our 22 Slave Positions have evolved over many years to serve almost any utilitarian purpose a Dom could desire, while simultaneously presenting the slave in their best possible light. Students learn the exact method and reasoning of the exquisitely precise Crow Academy Slave Positions, with details on each one’s purposes and evolution. Thereafter students will be taught how to create their own, personal, unique Slave Positions with an emphasis on style, beauty, and usefulness.


The Very Core of most Formal D/s is typically experienced as the application and enforcement of the multitude of Protocols available to a given D/s Style. The wonderful Decorum and Etiquette are the bread and butter that create the smoothest flow and most beautiful expression on all levels of Domination & Submission, from the subtlest gestures to the most overt. Students learn the theory behind Formal D/s to understand the purpose and the mechanics of a well-formed Protocol. A variety of Classic Protocols will be demonstrated and practiced by participants during the workshop. Come learn how to create your own, unique Protocols to suit your own personal D/s Style!


As a sub, ever feel like more of a playful kitten or rambunctious puppy than a human submissive? As a Dom, ever feel like being an “Owner” to your “pet” would give you a happy laugh? Come learn about a whole different kind of fun to be had within this alternative to traditional Domination and Submission. This workshop will teach students the joys of Animal Play and other forms Alternate D/s Styles. Emphasis will be on Kitten and Puppy play to explain the common elements you can apply to any kind of Pet. Students will also learn about “1950’s Style,” Brat Play, and Primal Play. This class is especially for anyone wanting to explore alternatives to Traditional High Etiquette, High Protocol D/s.


Domination often sounds easy enough… just give a lot of commands and sit back, right? WRONG!! The core of Domination is all about accepting the Responsibility for another person’s well-being. A good Dominant must learn quite a few skills and cultivate within themselves a variety of Key Qualities like Kindness, Creativity, Artistic Vision, and more (regardless of how Mild or Intense your D/s desires might be). Come find out what it really takes to become a Seriously Excellent Dominant. Due to the extreme focus on The Art of Domination ONLY, we suggest that Dominants take this class without their submissive partners attending. This helps create a very insulated environment where the strictly Dominant students can really open up about challenges, problems and great solutions. Come learn to be the very best Dominant that you can be!


Submission sounds so simple and blissful. Just let go and have someone else make all the choices…that’s all there is to it, right? Not in the slightest! Being a fine submissive not only takes a great deal of self-control, but when done correctly will also help build within you a Dynamic sense of Will Power, Focus, and Blissful Selfhood. Become the kind of submissive that leaves others admiring your Gracefulness and Dignity. Learn how to Serve with Joy, and embrace the fulfillment of Giving to your Dominant. This class is for anyone – from submissive newcomers to well-seasoned submissive souls – who wants to take their Submissive Skills up to the next level. Come explore and expand your very own, personal Art of Submission.

Please Note: Unlike the Dominant specialty class which is for Dominants Only, the Submissive specialty class welcomes Dominants to attend with their own, personal submissive (no single Dominants allowed). However we ask that these partnered Dominants give great consideration to the virtue of having the class be 100% focused on the submissives attending, and ask that said Dominants attend in a purely observational, non-interactive manner.


When a Dom and a sub begin to explore the Deepest levels of the D/s Journey together as Master and slave, there are certain KEY ISSUES to watch out for where a modicum of diligence will help to insure mutual happiness and success in the D/s Relationship. These KEY ISSUES are known at The Crow Academy as “Traps” because once the submissive (or the Dom) falls into one of these patterns of habitual behavior it can become hard to extricate the relationship from them. Students are taught how to identify the various kinds of Traps Well Ahead Of Time. Come learn state-of-the-art techniques for identifying the 12 Key Traps, as well as general problem solving techniques to use within the D/s Framework to overcome the Traps and keep your D/s Relationship as healthy as possible.


Ever wonder what makes a good BDSM Show? Think you’d like to take a shot in the spotlight with BDSM Performance Art yourself? Come learn from Master Arcane’s many years doing stage performance and the literally hundreds of shows he has done around the world. This class will teach you the subtleties of doing a BDSM SHOW as apart from simply doing a scene off in the corner of a club. Students learn actual stage and theater techniques as applied to doing a BDSM Scene for an audience, how to cater to different audiences, how to judge the audience reaction, improvisation, choreography and more.



Minimum Suggested Prerequisite: 1 solid year of Real Time BDSM Experience

Anytime you and your partner participate in a BDSM Scene that takes you to the Far Reaches of your limits – whether physical, mental, or emotional – you are dancing in the world of EDGE PLAY. To go there you need to know yourself and know your partner very well. Those whose tastes run towards this level of intensity understand a bliss singular to these intriguing pathways. Come learn about the wide variety of Edge Play scenes that are available, how to set up an Edge Play scene, the opportunities and challenges of various kinds of Edge Play, and above all the Critical SAFETY Parameters necessary to play on these levels.


The Magic of Fireplay. Scary to many yet such a beautiful sensation and a marvelous way to play when you understand the complications of literally Playing With Fire! Fireplay can be one of the singular most spectacular moments of trust and connection a Dom and sub can share in any BDSM scene. Nonetheless, as you would expect there is a right way to do it, and lots of wrong ways to do it. Areas covered include understanding Fire as a BDSM sensation with a serious emphasis on being able to play with Fire SAFELY, having the correct supplies, making your own torch, and various Fireplay methods. Students learn an abundance of safety parameters so all your Fireplay experiences leave both you and your submissive craving for more.

    Enquire here about obtaining your very own copy of the unique
    Leather-Bound* Hardback Limited Collectors Edition of
    "Igniting The Fire: The Art of Romantic Submission."
    (* superior quality imitation leather)

    This Contact Form is also the best way to arrange Crow Academy Classes, Book BDSM Shows by Arcane & Co, or correspond with Master Arcane for any other reason.

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      Please read everything and then make your selections below.

      This Is An Educational Site:

      If you are looking for porn you will be very disappointed.

      The Crow Academy style is one of Romantic Domination & Submission, BDSM, and Fetish Performance Art. The lessons of The Crow Academy are based on Tradition handed down by word-of-mouth and obscure texts, then blended & refined through Master Arcane's personal emphasis on extreme utilitarianism. We do not claim the foundations of these techniques as solitary to The Crow Academy, but rather that through decades of Real World trial & error these techniques have been re-forged into a Modern, Unique System that WORKS. Master Arcane explored into the depths of BDSM & D/s, separating the wheat from the chaff so that students of The Crow Academy can benefit from the road map created as a result. It would however, be against the beliefs of The Crow Academy to claim that this style is "the absolute best" or "ultimately superior to all others" as we very much appreciate & applaud other styles of BDSM & D/s that are equally evolved.

      The Crow Academy style centers around Romance & Connection with one's partner, generating the very best Relationship possible in such an environment. It is Safe, it is Sane, and it is always absolutely, mutually Consensual. It is very much about Love, Energy, and above all that BDSM and D/s are ART FORMS to be perfected by the individuals with no upper limit to the Excellence one can achieve in this world, and in the depth of the Connection two people can create together.

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